The Jupiter-Saturn Square Transit: A Pivotal Moment for Personal Growth.
On December 29th, Chiron, the asteroid often associated with the wounded healer, stations and turns directly after its retrograde motion since July 26th. Over the past several months, Chiron's retrograde journey encouraged inward reflection on emotional wounds and vulnerabilities. As it moves forward, truths we may have avoided or been unclear about start surfacing, prompting us to confront and address unresolved issues.
Chiron Direct: Embracing Emotional Truths
On December 29th, Chiron, the asteroid often associated with the wounded healer, stations and turns directly after its retrograde motion since July 26th. Over the past several months, Chiron's retrograde journey encouraged inward reflection on emotional wounds and vulnerabilities. As it moves forward, truths we may have avoided or been unclear about start surfacing, prompting us to confront and address unresolved issues.
Despite the discomfort these revelations may bring, they are catalysts for growth and healing. Chiron Direct presents an opportunity to transform self-awareness into action, enabling us to break free from old cycles and take charge of our healing journey.